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“…you may sometimes do just as the prodigal son and get off course, where you feel your actions disqualify you from returning to the presence of God, and being reestablished as a true son.  I am here to encourage you, because no matter what you have done, the Father is waiting eagerly for you to return to Him.”   What’s Up Son?, page 27


Prophet Jasmine is destined to leave a living legacy of hope for young people (especially our young males).  His desire is to encourage us to know that there is nothing too bad that prevents us from experiencing God’s love.  This legacy is capitulated in his everyday preaching and reaching.  Thousands of young and elderly have witnessed tremendous change as a result of his mentoring.



 A Modern Day Elijah", "Prophet to the Nations", "Father to the Fatherless", ...are a few phrases that can label who Bishop Antoine M. Jasmine represents in the Kingdom.  Bishop Jasmine now holds a dual position of both Bishop and Prophet after being consecrated into the Episcopacy as Bishop Antoine M. Jasmine. The elevation to Bishop has historically made him the youngest Bishop in his residential region with lineage that is traced to Rome.



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AMJ Biblical  Institute

AMJ Biblical Institute

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Mr. Antoine jasmine "Champions Banquet Video"

Mr. Antoine jasmine "Champions Banquet Video"

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Bishop/Prophet Antoine Jasmine in the Bahamas 2016

Bishop/Prophet Antoine Jasmine in the Bahamas 2016

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Prophet Jasmine's Mission Trip to Ghana, Africa 2018 (Part 2)

Prophet Jasmine's Mission Trip to Ghana, Africa 2018 (Part 2)

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Partner with Antoine M. Jasmine in his efforts of leaving a legacy US

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